
  • A
    Annahat posted a status
    http://safe-water.ru - Купить пергидроль в Белгороде
  • Jane Jordan posted a status
    Deconstructing Dark Romance, (Exploring the darker side of human nature in fiction) What is dark romance? That was a question I was asked recently. For me as a...
  • Ariel Rosetti posted a message for Lynn Donn
    It sounds intriguing. Wish I was in the market for a house. I love the water scenes but not the winters. Ariel Rosettie
  • Linda Weaver Clarke posted a status
    I LOVE THIS FANTASY SERIES written by Author Serena Clarke. I can surely say this is my favorite fantasy romance series. The story in each book is exceptional. There i...
  • E T
    Ellen Tiernan posted a status
    Hi, I am a former high school English teacher and am now writing historical fiction. I like to go camping with my husband, crochet, water color, Irish dance, garden, a...
  • Susan P. Koniak posted a status
    I was born with a brain that works differently. I knew always, but the things my brain wouldn...estate from good; did functional MRI imaging to compare my brain at work with those of "nor...
  • Joanna Blackburn posted a message for Jill Jepson
    I traveled a lot in my early 20's too, but the one thing I missed out on smells of the different places. With severe allergies, my nose just doesn't pick up smells, i...
  • Janelle Stear posted a status
    Grocery Shopping During Covid-19 Instead of my usual little informative blogs, here is a story for you. Yesterday, at the grocery store, I walked around feeling as...
  • Jan Brehm posted a status
    YOU BETTER STRAIGHTEN UP AND FLY RIGHT This phrase has been playing on repeat in my mind the last couple days. Where did it come from? It feels like it’s coming from...
  • Anne Leigh Parrish posted a status
    It was where movies stars used to go and rest up, be pamper...script their agents had just sent over. A series of modest bungalows set around a beau...setts. Back when his books didn’t sell or sold only modestly, they lived in a much sma...