
  • The name that I use on here and around the Internet (at least with writing related or on my writing, it's like an alter ego of sorts and I shift into writer mode.
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • Self publishing? There are a number of thoughts on this subject. However, ask with other people? Do you want to lose creative control? If you become a moderately successful mainstream m...
  • This is also an online lit journal, though it's momentarily trying to catch up with its backlog of submission (which I love to hear):  It's specifically for essays.
  • Hey Diane, Thanks for stopping by! That's great you're deleting what you don't want as apps. I think it's about keeping a kind of flow going--some stuff and and other stuff out. As far as writing---I love using an online timer and doing a 15 minute freewrite to get me on track.
  • Want Chyi commented on Julie Luek's article Collecting Fans
    Hi, Julie, I can't wait to read more from your blog, and appreciate your thoughts! For me, the key is writing about what moves me. It's easier for me to update my blog...
  • Hi Jennifer, We have our own KDP profile for all SWP books. Authors can let us know if they want to enroll their books in KDP Select and which days they want to run th...
  • Hi Ellen,  Right now I have two accountability partners so I can share progress without sharing my writing. I shared recently with an agent who offered to read the fir...
  • I write in the early mornings at my desk in my bedroom.  Its quiet and calm.  It is still hell dragging myself out of a warm bed in winter. I write as long as my hot c...
  • Great article, Julie, as always. Fortunately, a writer/friend I "met" online a few years ago, urged me to begin blogging when she learned I was writing my memoir. I kn...