
  • The name that I use on here and around the Internet (at least with writing related or on my writing, it's like an alter ego of sorts and I shift into writer mode.
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • Christelle, I love your post - especially because I don't feel blamed for not being whatever I perceive myself as not being. I can suffer from each of your "Too"s - pl...
  • I've written three novels, not erotica, which did not find an agent after months of qu...on Kindle and Nook, and published them as paperbacks as well.  They have sold modestly, with marketing becoming...
  • Best wordpress page builder WordPress is the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system.its an online freedo...
  • Carleen, how fantastic! I loved your article at Defenders Online too, wonderful! I don't think luck had anything to do with this :) and the fact that YOUR Jill Scott i...
  • Oh if only I had a nickel for every hour I spent online researching all of the things I need to know. Thanks for posting that website - sites with a lot of information...
  • Okay so, lets start with you are not alone. So not alone. And it is not a dirty secret. I've included a link to the story I wrote about my own loss which was published...
  • If he--or anyone else--is doing this as a publicity stunt, it's pretty silly and downright negligent IMO. Just like with any counterfit item, it damages the value of t...
  • Hello All ~ Up until recently, my Twitter account has been a way to share my artwork as I upload it to my various online galleries. However, I began a book project rec...