
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • The name that I use on here and around the Internet (at least with writing related or on my writing, it's like an alter ego of sorts and I shift into writer mode.
  • My computer crashed right before the Christmas break and I had to call my publishers because they expected my novel to be done in the next two months and now we have t...
  • I love Enkidu too! I've always liked Uriah Heep.  In my first novel, my main character's name was Unmerited Grace Yoder, or Eugie (U.G.) In my current novel, I have a...
  • @ Brooke. I didn't know they charge differently for traditional vs self-pub. Not nice. The only thing I've heard about Ingramsparks is to read the fine print, make sur...
  • I agree that unless your book has seriously complicated formatting, you shouldn't pay more than $100 for conversion. In fact, you shouldn't pay anything. If you just...
  • Great post, Jessica. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy... we'll be there with you at least in spirit. You've accomplished a great thing. In a similar vein, I'm positive I've develop...
  • @Cate - borders don't have to be a barrier. I know there are indie Canadian publishers who publish in the US and Harlequin Romances is based in Canada...despite their...
  • I just had a professional head shot taken after years of asking family members to do it.  A few things that helped: 1. Think of clothes that have "interesting texture...