
  • Aimee Liu posted a status
    “Fiction is the art form of human yearning.” – Robert Olen Butler “We are living...Chief?) – does little to quell its effect on my psyche. I’m in fight-or-flight mode all the time, feeling angry a...
  • Victoria Chames posted a status
    Hello again. I’ve been away too long, I know. My bad. But I’ve been working, and I have news: My chapbook, "Inchworms: Poems, Sketches, and Stories" has been published...
  • Adeline Carrie Koscher posted a status
    My poem "Swimming in Moonlight" from my new chapbook, Liquid Song, is featured in Novelty Magazine's Lunation Issue this month. Take a look. http://noveltymag.com/swimming-in-moonlight/
  • Lisa Horner posted a status
    Sylvia in a bookshop with her books 19/12/19 Sylvia broadcasting on Phoenix FM in 2017 IF you want something done ask a busy person! This certainly applies...
  • Shelley Workinger posted a status
    History + Tuscany + Delicious #FoodFic ! Guest Author Cheryl Colwell stops by: https://bookfare.blogspot.com/2020/05/foodfic-please-welcome-cheryl-colwell.html
  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    I was halfway through “Homegoing” before I began to connect with it. As Yaw, a histor...dependence. Gyasi was born in Ghana and raised in America. I suspect Yaw was modeled on her father, of whom she...
  • Louella Bryant posted a status
    I'm humbled to announce that Sheltering Angel, A Novel Based on a True Story of the Titanic, is now available for preorder from the publisher. Sylvester Monroe, author...
  • Anne Leigh Parrish posted a status
    It was where movies stars used to go and rest up, be pamper...script their agents had just sent over. A series of modest bungalows set around a beau...setts. Back when his books didn’t sell or sold only modestly, they lived in a much sma...
  • Elaina Zuker posted a message for Christelle Lujan
    Hi Christelle,nice to "meet" you. I'm a new member, trying to complete the Profile and am having trouble with the form on the site. When it comes to the screen for...
  • Sarah Kennedy posted a status
    Allow me to introduce myself and tell you a little bit of my own story. Why do I write? I believe that moments of pain can be redeemed, that in the right hands they...