
Discussion topics

  • Sarah - I'm a fan of 'The Daughter of Time', a bit o' a classic. I also like 'Possession', even though I know it's kind of dreary. These both lean towards the mystery genre, but still move back and forth between the past and present with finesse.
  • Hi, I'm new to Non Fiction Writers! Here's my experience with writing thus far: I have one children's book written w/ self-edits, one YA historical fiction written up...
  • Started by Sarah Pinneo
    Last reply by Lisa Rivero
    My favorite is Possession by A.S. Byatt. I'm willing to be that the author does not see this book as a genealogy novel. But I do see it that way. It's a terrific meditation on recovering information. The characters learn so much, yet miss one important truth. The last scene gives me chills. S.
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  • I was thrilled to see your idea for She Writes Fridays. I, on my blog, recently did something somewhat similar in that I too felt that I was not putting enough effort...
  • Nice post and well said indeed. Writing has to come from the heart and honesty is the best policy though self possession may not come easy.Does that make sense?
  • That's what I was thinking, a blog post. Your piece appeared right after my memoir Loveyoubye launched, an experience which ended up helping me break through yet another barrier in my journey toward "fuller possession of the reality of my life," (to quote Tom Hughes) . . .