
  • Oh my God, I am literally in tears after reading this. You spoke to the depths of my soul. Write on Madam, write on! "With the consciousness and resources of my genera...
  • For years and years I taught the Myers Briggs Type Indicator and still do a little consulting based on its principles. The concept of introvert fits me like a glove. B...
  • I recently found myself in a temp job with a lot of time on my hands and I started a romance novel based on these principles. I think it's working. This advice is very encouraging.
  • Three things about Parenting in the Here and Now: 1. Reframes common parenting struggles and provides compassionate guiding principles instead of hard and fast rules....
  • Nifty...I blogged just last night about "twelve" principles that Eudora Weldy presents in her classic book, If You Want to Write. I'll be taking down some of the nuggets above and adding them to my go-to pile of inspirational thoughts! Thanks!
  • I definitely outline first, but I have to say that learning story structure helped me immensely. Once I understood what beginnings, middles, and endings are supposed t...
  • I get so frustrated hearing writers talk about the perils of "self-promotion."  If I meet a teacher at a party, I ask him:  "What subject do you teach?  What grade lev...
  • Great simple approach.  I instinctively have tried to follow your four principles when giving advice --- although I have to be careful about unsolicited advice. I am an inveterate problem solver.  You've made it easier for me to check that tendency.
  • Gloria, I appreciate the way you are re-immersing yourself in your own wisdom by applying the principles of your own book! Not only is this effective from an outside p...
  • Deborah, I applaud your adherence to your principles, and admire your style in explaining how you passed this unexpected test without sounding self-righteous. I hope that you did something nice for yourself after you sent that e-mail. Thank you for sounding the warning for the rest of us.   Ruth