
  • I get so frustrated hearing writers talk about the perils of "self-promotion."  If I meet a teacher at a party, I ask him:  "What subject do you teach?  What grade lev...
  • Great simple approach.  I instinctively have tried to follow your four principles when giving advice --- although I have to be careful about unsolicited advice. I am an inveterate problem solver.  You've made it easier for me to check that tendency.
  • Gloria, I appreciate the way you are re-immersing yourself in your own wisdom by applying the principles of your own book! Not only is this effective from an outside p...
  • Deborah, I applaud your adherence to your principles, and admire your style in explaining how you passed this unexpected test without sounding self-righteous. I hope that you did something nice for yourself after you sent that e-mail. Thank you for sounding the warning for the rest of us.   Ruth