
  • Wonderful essay!  I don't mind those 'on-the-spot' conversations.  Mama raised me to b...ay be completely different once I actually sell a book.  I could go into panic mode. But then... that's what the...
  • Beautiful! So beautifully said! Thank you. As a journaling teacher for over three deca...hear our voices and words, drops us into a listening, reflective-contemplative mode wherein we are received. Rece...
  • I’ve just read all the comments here with my hands shaking and my stomach churning the...held about my mother and my own origins since childhood. Hmm, yup, whiny brat mode achieved… but seriously, I th...
  • Sunny-- When I saw your name on the comments, I was hoping you'd talk about your personal experience with your books. Thanks for sharing and I agree: I think readers are indeed smart enough to detect when a writer isn't being honest. I realize that means different things to different people. 
  •  Thanks for a thought-provoking post.  I felt a strong compass guiding me as I wrote "We Are Here: Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust," in which I blend personal nar...
  • Oh wow, Marci.  Boy do I relate to this blog article.  Not only on a professional level (I recently discovered I'd been "scooped"), but also on a personal level, more than I could possibly describe.  Thanks for allowing me to not feel so alone -- on BOTH fronts.
  • Toi, I don't have a good sense yet from Medium users whether they've had luck drawing people to their personal blogs and websites from Medium. They do get readers, but if the readers stay on Medium, what good is that?
  • Although I have never had a movie character leap into my head and give advice...I have had dreams of movie actors/actresses performing my storyline as if I were writin...
  • Hi Deepa! We can't give up! :) I know you can do it! I have noticed lately, that I have finally learned how to tune everyone out. I can actually sit in the kitchen, an...
  • For me, it took awhile to realize the problem: I fall in love with my characters, and their story. When the story is rejected it feels personal because it is - this is...