

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Metaverse is a new concept that is getting th...irst, however, you are offered the 3D models and characters along with e...e offered the effortless and cashless mode of making deals. People are o...ey into these assets. This is the modern era, and everything is gett...
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  • Pat, it's Scenic Hill Vacations. Here's a link to the home page. My fav. is the Oasis, mostly because it's right across the road fr...
  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Lawyers are trained professionals who have studied law and can advise you on how to proceed with a particular situation or problem in which legal issues may arise....
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  • Romalyn Tilghman posted a status
    When asked about the inspiration for my novel, I answer simply: “I love libraries.” Libraries of all shapes and sizes; new libraries and old libraries; libraries here,...
  • christie nelson posted a status
    The Keys to the Kingdom Finding Place in Historical Fiction When your eyes glaze ov...ronze mythical animals are situated above the entry way. Julia Morgan’s 1937 remodel of the façade and gold lobby...


  • Mary E Tyler commented on Kamy Wicoff's article Salonniere
    WHOA! Major rights grab, Karny! Take your cue from Facebook and Yahoo Groups. Groups should be private unless specifically set as public. Profiles should be "friends...
  • But it is proof of who it originally belongs to, and it will stand up in a court of law. Truth of the matter, there are going to be writers who cannot afford to regist...
  • Wow Zetta!  Terrific post!  It sounds like heavy handed abetting to me.  Why oh why do honest novelists, songwriters, non-fiction authors, and other people deserving of intellectual property rights get squeezed so unfairly?  How in the world do we fight back?