
Discussion topics

  • Surviving toddlerdom. Does anyone else feel like they're going into a war zone sometimes? They need to sell protective gear for Moms. YOU ARE SO LITTLE, HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG????
  • Hmmm!  This sounds like a really fun book. Also, the query letter is well written, although it breaks a couple of rules. Most obviously, the bio graf should really be...
  • Thanks. Yes, it does help. I'm one of those over-protective parents, though I've stopped feeling too too guilty about it. Both my kids, despite having very different personalities, managed to completely disregard all my fears. 


  • Thanks for this thoughtful and important posting, Deborah. I imagine that your thought...I wouldn't write about anything happening in real time, only in retrospect. A Modern Love column I wrote a few w...
  • Great post, Jill. All very true and all extremely relevant. My kids are adults now but when they were younger I struggled with wanting to shield them from such knowled...
  • Kamy, What you say is of course indeed true, yet there is much more to the story than  racism. What  bothers me is the officers mindset of abuse. They kill dogs, menta...