
  • Hi Emily, Don't be scared and keep writing. What you're seeing is a culmination of rel...lusive in retail book chains because they still operate in this Depression Era mode. Support your libraries in an...
  • Marisel- I feel similarly.  How do you write a story if you don't love the language?  Have you ever heard of the librarian Nancy Pearl?  Sh...
  • In my experience, there is nothing like the query phase of book publishing to grant you expertise with this question. I wrote and work shopped A LOT of query variation...
  • Love this! So glad you are healthy and no longer need the bell, except for those rare occasions which send the men running! What a nice son and husband you have who are so tuned into your needs. I hope you never need that bell again, but it was a lovely gift from a good friend.
  • Liked your Facebook page. In this day and age where it is rare to get a rejection letter but instead its the "if you do not hear from us in eight weeks (or longer) yo...
  • I always do a search when I'm done for "very" and "really." (getting better at catching them as I write!) One of my mentors was adamant not only about adverbs, but als...
  • "I am loving all of these stories of rejection followed closely by success!" I hesitate to disagree, but rejection isn't always followed closely by success. For insta...
  • That is so ironic. I didn't know you were here, Lynn. Here is my blog linking local readers to your article I loved your artic...
  • My mother's craziness, her unpredictability, her history, her generosity, her affection, her passion, her cooking, her negativity, her positivity, her pride, her Itali...
  • Hi Olga, I appreciate your comments. I did read your blog post and I disagree with it-...that determine who gets published? The same people who are afraid to use black models on books in fear of losing...