
Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    In today's digital age, social media platforms have become powerful tools for spreading ideas, connecting with others, and building communities. Through the platform o...
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  • I may be a nimrod when it comes to Twitter, but I'm so in love with the way that computers and the internet have revolutionized our world. As a journalist, I can't beg...
  • The process of reading books has not changed in centuries, and the latest options have turned reading into a technological boon. Have books will travel. Yes, the newes...
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  • Love this question! I have quite a stack-subjects ranging from farmers to cheesemakers. Also, just picked up beautiful fiction (The Blind Contessa’s New Machine) remi...
  • "Little Women" completely revolutionized how I feel about myself as person and as a writer, but I always felt that it was indeed "a woman's book." Until I read this es...