
  • By the way, for those who aren't sure how to format eBooks, I put together a slim yet robust guide in response to all the frustration I faced when I tried to format eB...
  • This makes me giggle. I think all writers have their secret pet peeve, and are trying to rid the world of them! Personally, seeing people confuse loose & lose, or seeing the word 'alot', sets my teeth on edge.
  • I lOVE this piece ... I'm working on a presentation for Women Writing the West, and may well refer to it.  I will definitely refer a few of my clients (both men) to it...
  • Karen, nice article! Jeff Kleinman's description of sinking his teeth into a manuscript... editing, plotting, char. motivation, etc. reflects back to "the days of Max Perkins" in my mind. (The spirit of MP keeps me motivated.) I love the journey craft makes possible. #aminspired
  • @Niki -I think I can speak for my colleagues when I say that we ebook publishers HATE Amazon's return policy because it is SO abused. It has the ability to negate earn...
  • How is it going now that it's out? Are you feeling relieved? No more bad dreams? Getting good reviews? I'm in the terror and teeth-grinding stage. Book not due out until June.
  • Have you read SHE MATTERS by Susannah Sonnenberg? I'm reading it now and would get my proverbial eye teeth to get a blurb from her...but she's not answered my inquiries. I don't matter (could not resist that). The book is terrific.
  • I said no to an amazing job opportunity that many of my friends would have given their eye teeth for - in order to keep working on my book. I really struggled with it...
  • Congratulations on reaching this point! I'd just suggest you make clear what you make clear here: that you want to hear any bad news. Some nice people need to be told...
  • Here are a few of my favorites: "I used to be snow white but I drifted." Mae West "If truth is beauty, how come no one gets their hair done in the library." Lily Tomlin "The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." Dorothy Parker