
  • Deborah, what a thought-provoking post! I can tell you where I was, during all those years when I was NOT writing: I was expending all my creativity on negotiating wit...
  • Maybe the young don't mind starving or they are still under someone else's roof. Don't know but it seems age should not be a deciding factor in writing a good story.
  • This is a really interesting article, thanks! I read somewhere that a lot of Cubans are now growing their own food in very small spaces (eg on roof tops) is that somet...
  • Maria, I like that headshot you traded your editing skills to get. And getting free wine and snacks and the views of Manhattan from the penthouse roof-deck - you are i...
  • The She Writes newsletter is something I always put aside for uninterrupted savoring.  It's full of realistic and positive advice, a constant encouragement and educati...
  • “It had a certain syrup but it didn’t pour.” I would love to know where and how she came up with this one. Maybe…one sunny morning early in their relationship, Alice a...
  • I love the idea of writing the Christmas letter midsummer, or in January. I usually write out New Years writing goal, but I sense there's more incantatory power in an...
  • How are you, Chandra? I know you are very busy on your tour. I read that you are attending book signings with Ilie. That must be a lovely experience. I'm jealous! I re...
  • Did 3042 words on the WIP today, the goal was 2000 but it just seemed to take off on its own. Which is grand when measured against the days when getting the 2000 done...
  • Thanks for another post filled with hard truths about the publishing industry, Brooke. Zane, Omar Tyree, Michael Baisden, Maria Murnane and other authors have successf...