
  • This statement of a non-gendered List of Great Writers, as suggested here by Pauline, is exactly the kind of banner that can run through a culture to position a “brand...
  • I love this post too! It drives me crazy that writing teachers and coaches do the same thing on their home page!  I've been asked to judge contests where the grammar a...
  • Hey Betsy--great story and with such humor as always! I'm still learning too, and keep finding out all these "rul...
  • Hi, meg, You may have encountered the hierarchy of pain among Holocaust survivors, which might be listed as only survivor of camps, Camps, Siberia, Hidden without fam...
  • I love the 'using words as 'finger paint' :) In Nano, the creative muse rules over eveything you write, editing and rules are for later.... Hopefully I can read some of your creations soon!
  • This was a wonderful post!  When I saw the title I think my mouth fell open in shock and a rush of outrage lol I fully take back the filthy look I gave you ;) I was a...
  • I love this! I have been noticing how I struggle with hyphenation. I was an English major. You'd think I'd know these rules, but my grammar's much more creative, shall we say, than it was when Mrs. Griffith taught it to me in 10th grade. 
  • I know it's a cliche, but instead of deciding between various rules, what I try to live and write by as much as possible is, "Be true to yourself." Be honest and write...
  • But wait .... did you have fun???? Glad you are back (who else can I whine to) and your vacation sounds like just what you needed. Looks to me like you did a great job with your "rules".
  • I really like your description of process--and your idea that there are no rules.  I hadn't really thought of my process in in quite these terms since I was drawing on...