

Discussion topics

  • Just wanted to say: Am really enjoying this discussion you all are having. Very stimul...difficult when it's an adult working with children, for sure. That adult must model openness, listening, respect...
  • Two markets that have impressed me with not only their openness, but promotion, of the feminine voice are The Lorelei Signal put out by Carol Hightshoe. She specifical...
  • I'm not part of this anthology, Patricia, just bumping the signal. I thought it read more openly, as well, then at the end becomes specific to Asatru. That would be a question to direct to the editor. ~Kelley ~ Soul Intent Arts ~ Intentional Insights


  • Half-way through, I am enjoying Go Set A Watchman, though it is clearly a first draft. I only wish I could literally get Harper Lee in a critique group or even just a...
  • It's a cultural reference I suppose. People who speak in the same manner as I do, with the southern/New York accent mix only New Orleans people can accomplish are refe...
  • Yes, mountains of oyster shells and empty bottles of fine wine -- the telling detail that seems to signal the rich, sophisticated life of American expatriates in Franc...