
  • Thanks for your fascinating comments, everyone, and for entering for a chance to win The Literary Ladies' Guide to the Writing Life. The randomly selected recipient ha...
  • Hear! Hear!  I too have experienced this by the Romance Writers of America, the largest organization that is supposed to help authors. They barred me from entering my...
  • Thanks, Deb. I have an "abyss" that I have partially revisited in my current novel. Since I'm writing fiction, not memoir, that makes it easier. I skirt around the edg...
  • Thanks so much! I'm so glad this is helping and good timing! I'm going to get a lot more granular about how exactly to find people, and what all the semantics mean. No...
  • I'm so close to birthing this first novel of mine...but I think it's a lot like actual childbirth.  There are times when I PUSH and it feels so good to make huge progr...
  • I'm finishing up Reviving Opheila by Mary Pipher - good read if you're worried about the world our teen girls are entering.... Harry Potter as a study of voice and act...
  • I will say "no" to living vicariously through the submissions and works of others and will say "YES" to entering the cave to discover the next new writing thingy....  Sounds inspiring!!!  I have the 5 steps in place!!  Thank you Deborah and good luck to you!!
  • It's sort of like scuba diving for me--going deep, entering new worlds. I wrote about National Day on Writing here:
  • Thanks for spreading the word about this prize, Ellen.  I had heard of Bellwether and was considering entering my novel when it is completed.  It is the story of 12-ye...
  • I slow myself down by remembering the last time I missed a self-imposed deadline---and the sky did not fall. Thank you for your insights. I love the mobility of my lap...