
  • Hi Rosemarie, Not having seen your novel I can't comment on your particular case, but I can offer a few guidelines that my writers have found helpful. The perhaps un...
  • Hi, Julija! I agree with everything you've written here, and like you, I also was/still am a bit hesitant to self-promote my first book.  I'm getting better at it thou...
  • Interesting post... The first thing you may want to consider doing is referring to yourself as a Black author. For example, I am an author - who happens to be Black. I...
  • This is an interesting post. I just wrote about this on my site from a pro-self-publishing perspective. I'm not a writer by what I suppose you could call "genuine pass...
  • Erika
    This is heartfelt, emotional and vulnerable piece of work, thank you for sharing. I remembered most of the day today's significance. Your memory of the clear images of...
  • I used to think that writing was 'my thing.' When someone would ask me what I'm passionate about, I would say "writing," without hesitation. However, I've recently dis...