

Discussion topics

  • I definitely know what you mean when you say the world crea...a sticking point, that's when I'll go into research mode. I've found it useful to use...the India-Pakistan conflict over Kashmir as a rough model, and have each country claim...
  • Started by Nikki Stern
    My site Does This Make Sense promotes skepticism,invites questions, urges unusual or little considered points of view,and most of all, supports the idea of a well-made...
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  • Some great points here.  Not everyone needs something that is bright and shiny to catch the eye.  There are many ways to follow a blog, not simply through Google Friend Connect or Networked blogs.


  • Linda Weaver Clarke posted a status
    Writing Your Family Legacy: The importance of writing your family history can never be over emphasized. Each of us has a story from our ancestors or even our very own...
  • Karoline Lucas posted a status
    Live Simply, Love Deeply, Take Nothing For Granted
  • Kristen Houghton posted a status
    Are You Ready to Become an ‘Authorpreneur’in the New Year? A new year, new projects to complete and just maybe one of your new projects is publishing your own books...


  • I believe that part of the problem lies in the perception of the issue as a "block." I...ur subconscious, which happens more easily when the brain is in a more relaxed mode.
  • Brenda, I have also noted the increase in spelling errors in published works. Frustrating. You have little choice but to skip over them, skip reading the articles enti...
  • First of all congrats on finishing your manuscript! :) I can completely relate to your reluctance to share with the people closest to you and from what I hear, it's fo...