
  • You know there are a lot of sites I below to that advertise webinars and chats and say the transcripts will be available.  It might something you guys just need to research a little more or approach other sites that do similar work and ask them how they do it! :)  Just a thought! :) 
  • Hey Kamy! I just added my vote for you, will tweet and f/b for you too. What an impressive group of women and how wonderful that so many are fellow SheWrites members....
  • Sunny, I really appreciate this post.  It's very timely for me.  I just posted an article in my own blog and on She Writes pondering the true purpose of writing a blog...
  • This is quite useful. I'd add that any unpublished writer, no matter what stage they're in, can benefit from these three sites: Agent Query Query Shark Miss Snark   I'...
  • I'm a believer in quality over quantity. I always think that if we spend the time to write well, think our topics through, provide honest and passionate ideas/suggesti...
  • Charlene, thanks for asking :) The way I understand the quote (from Alfred Korzybski) is that a map can show you a route to get from one place to another, but the unde...
  • Interesting post. I'm not familiar with Wattpad. I don't write for teens so probably won't use it, but it's interesting to know what is out there.
  • Kelley, I totally agree with you on the phenomenon of Facebook and what it has done to change the way we view ourselves. It used to be that if we cut ties with people...
  • you know what I would like to know, is when you are trying to get a paid gig online, how do you find out if it is legitimate? And if they refuse to pay you at some poi...
  • I took MJ Roses' onlline Buzz Your Book class a few summers back and it has made all the difference in the world for me. I went with a small Indie publisher for my fir...