

Discussion topics

  • Kamy, I really wish I could send you a picture of the four-foot tower of books holding up one corner of my office -- all by women, all published this year (and all bou...
  • Started by yvette managan
    Last reply by Robert Edward Fahey
    Time Passes My stepfather died June 14th, the same day my older brother died years before, the same day my young half-sisters were born several decades earlier. Pop d...
    • 0
    • 27
  • I may get hung out to dry, but something else that bothers me, is the meanness some reviewers have to Indie authors. It tends to feel like vindictiveness. As if its a...


  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    I was halfway through “Homegoing” before I began to connect with it. As Yaw, a histor...dependence. Gyasi was born in Ghana and raised in America. I suspect Yaw was modeled on her father, of whom she...
  • Anne Leigh Parrish posted a status
    It was where movies stars used to go and rest up, be pamper...script their agents had just sent over. A series of modest bungalows set around a beau...setts. Back when his books didn’t sell or sold only modestly, they lived in a much sma...
  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    I was halfway through “Homegoing” before I began to connect with it. As Yaw, a histor...dependence. Gyasi was born in Ghana and raised in America. I suspect Yaw was modeled on her father, of whom she...


  • Character sheets - ACK!   I've tried variations and still am not sure I have something meaningful but may be getting closer.  I just bought Larry Brooks' Story Enginee...
  • Great article Meg.  I have found in many genres of lesbian literature (more than romance) there is almost always a sex scene, since a primary purpose for the genre to...
  • Hope, I loved your blog and the topic is perpetually timely (i.e. universal) for writers. I remember reading in a bio on George Eliot how her partner, George Henry Lew...