
  • "It hurts then to love. It is like giving yourself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the other person may just walk off with your skin" -- Susan Sontag
  • Julie and Alexandra: I think Twitter had to start doing that to squash those companies that were trying to "sell" followers to other people and of course, spammers. So...
  • as a columnist, i often question how much to share when writing about my parent-kiddo experiences. recently i wrote a column about my daughter's first crush (she's in...
  • Great article Meg.  I have found in many genres of lesbian literature (more than romance) there is almost always a sex scene, since a primary purpose for the genre to...
  • I try not to put it out there before it's had a chance to settle into its own skin so that it's not pulled and tugged in different directions and doesn't know who it i...
  • As a church minister I was instructed on to have a compassionate, tender heart, and skin tough as a rhino's. Guess same applies to writing!   :)
  • My undergraduate degree is in creative writing. The model the university employed was round table criticism. Everyone had a copy of everyone's offering for the day and had had a chance to make...
  • Great supportive article. Social media can take over as much time as I give it. It was depleting my writing time and creative energy. Being strategic and bartering wit...
  • Hope, I loved your blog and the topic is perpetually timely (i.e. universal) for writers. I remember reading in a bio on George Eliot how her partner, George Henry Lew...
  • AMEN to all you sisters who responded to Kamy with helpful advice.  In my response   I forgot to stress the most important thing:  the writing.  You must revise and re...