

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    ...are many things are present that a person should consider for becoming a bodybuilder. Likewise, the person should have to exercise daily without skipping a single day. Moreover, he sh...
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  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Nowadays, we know that every guy wants to have the perfect physique and muscular body. Most of the people have that craze of becoming a bodybuilder. They want to have th...
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  • ...months like that. J.K. Rowling does the timeline thing very well and while her later books are quite long, the first one is standard size. Also, skipping time can be done by changing...


  • A+ Advice. The only piece of advice I 'dip out on' is the letting others (other than the proofreader) read my work before it goes to print. You'll easily find all kinds of things to do...and think about, skipping out on that one. It even helps tighten up the edit;-)
  • ...t out whole scenes in my head, usually while driving in the car, and really, REALLY wish I could some how get them out on paper right from there; skipping the part where you sit down a...
  • I got so turned off a John Grisham novel, "Skipping Christmas," because he badly misportrayed how Peace at the airport to go directly to the site where she'd be serving, skipping the USA staging and in-countr...