
  • Great advice, Elisabeth! Text sounds different on your ear than it does as you read si...uld read her work out loud at some point, and certainly while in late revision mode.
  • I’ve just read all the comments here with my hands shaking and my stomach churning the...held about my mother and my own origins since childhood. Hmm, yup, whiny brat mode achieved… but seriously, I th...
  • Wonderful essay!  I don't mind those 'on-the-spot' conversations.  Mama raised me to b...ay be completely different once I actually sell a book.  I could go into panic mode. But then... that's what the...
  • I am not sure yet what I will learn, but I've reserved a spot at the Thursday lunch. I do not Twitter yet.... Please look for my name tag and identify yourself.
  • Agree completely with Pollit.  She and Steinem remain role models.  Why write about the process?  What for?  It's a time suck, unless that's the subject of your writing.  Even if you must teach th...
  • Thanks Angela! Good luck on your work and I hope the books resonate with you.  They address atheism from a black feminist perspective, historicizing black women's cultural investment in faith and the challenges of freethought and secular social justice.
  • I agree--it's a wonderful book with chapters that deal with all the challenges that writers face, including those inner demons. I'm recommending it to everyone who is writing a book and wants to get to "The End" and beyond--to hold their book in their hands.
  • Hi Kamy! I'm in exactly the same spot. I just sent my full revised MS out last night to my 6 Beta Readers and gave them 2 weeks. The nail biting has begun. I'm forcing...
  • I loved reading this list.  I blog to share writing information and primarily, The Write Spot Blog, is a place where people can use the prompts to jumpstart their writ...
  • Great job on this, Annie! Love it. I think this misuse is universal. I'm in Chicago and spot these humdingers all the time. I think it is an attempt (an effective one) to call attention to their message.