
Discussion topics

  • I've been on Blogger for over a year now and am generally happy with it. However, I just built my first website using the Wordpress platform (with my own url) and I lo...
  • Lisa, thanks so much for the info. I see exactly what you mean and it makes perfect sense to me. I think my B&B stories (now stored under the title "Tales from An...
  • Tough questions! What you're asking for, it seems to me, is practical advice about philosophical matters. Which is very tricky. Does writing something make you a write...


  • I recently gave 12 boxes of books to a Bronx high school through Read This and highly recommend its work. Thanks for letting us know about the Women's Academy, Katha--I have 30 more boxes of books stored in AZ and this gives me motivation to go through them and send them to such a worthy endeavor.
  • Thank you, dear Renate.  I'd love to have some of your blog posts printed and stored in your wonderful book.  Gertrude Stein in Words and Pictures is often perused by my guests.    
  • @Caitlyn If you have a single file that you are modifying across computers and using scrivener on each device, my solution was to store the file in a shared medium suc...