
  • It's a tremendous journey. I don't know if you're ready to consider this, but have you thought of working with an editor or perhaps even a director for subsequent vid...
  • Haven't read any of the mentioned memoirs on drinking although I did devour Augusten (was he born August 10?) Burrough's "Running With Sissors" so much so that I email...
  • This is a very good post. But as somebody who has self-published, let me translate: Don't think that self-publishing is going to be inexpensive, or quick. If you want...
  • I think it is helpful to have both fresh readers and second-round readers go over the subsequent draft. My most helpful criticism came from someone I had hesitated to...
  • At first I questioned the reason for posting this letter in full. Even with the name redacted, isn't it shaming? Then I read your critique of the letter and recognized...
  • If you're going to self-publish an eBook, enrolling in the Amazon Lending Library and subsequent promotions is a good way to get the book out and circulating.
  • I've had battles over subsequent books, as well. Marketing departments tend to go with something very literal, especially with books that include recipes. But I don't...
  • I know exactly what you're talking about, L.C. Mohr. That fresh eye becomes harder and harder to bring to your work with each subsequent revision. It's a real challenge!
  • Bravo Christina. We met (and became friends) when you were in the early stages of your "fallow" years. I was on an up swing, having had a big best-seller and subsequen...
  • It's just another kind of challenge to me. But I do respond well to deadliines. I write for my job and have to face deadlines so it's natural to me. I'm enjoying it. For sure this novel draft will need work in Dec and subsequent months, but they all do. (and anyhow I like cabbage !!)