
Discussion topics

  • Ariana Hufffington é uma das mulheres mais valiosas do vosso país, como jornalista e escritora. Luta contra a ditadura nos EUA, sou um admirador dessa mulher corajosa. Ela devia ser presidente, ela quer paz e justiça.
  • Hi Kari,  A few thoughts on your brave book from a fellow struggling querier on rejection number 70 and counting.  I think you should hook them with the first sentence...
  • Finally back in the saddle after two days. I start to convulse if I don't write for three days. Just made it in time to prevent that. Today I'll meet the goal of imple...


  • Great article, I also love El Doctorow's quote. And the idea of being flexible and lead by the process, each story will have a life of it's own, may we meet it there on the page with grace and an open heart. Thanks for sharing. Todo suerte on your project. Chloe
  • Get it, got it, totally understand. So much to do, so seemingly little time. Jump onto my SW blog for "What I've Learned in the past 8 months" parts one AND two. Maybe they will help? Maybe not! Suerte!
  • Love, love, love this! Alma, your writing flows beautifully, as if you didn't know this. Heartfelt, soothing, moving, peaceful. Love the flow of it.  Like Alma, my nov...