
  • All suggestions and advice are helpful! :) I love seeing what people think of it. Will be re-working it tonight and tomorrow.
  • Such a coincidence (though is anything, really?) to read this today.  I just finished my latest blog post and as I stared at it, I wondered if it or any would resonate...
  • Great post. I'm going to a Women's Networking meeting in a week. I'll be sure to review these wonderful suggestions to knock 'em dead! I just finished a 3 week online...
  • Maureen Dunphy, thank for these suggestions!
  • Chris, Thanks! Those are good questions. 1. The advantage of having a publisher before requesting is that bigger, busier authors don't want to commit the time (even if...
  • The first time I was advised to call an expert, I stalled and out if off over and over again. I was a nobody and she was a well known and widely published researcher a...
  • @Prissy, thanks! @Patricia, I have a ton of suggestions in my book marketing webinar- here's the link (scroll to the second option):
  • I was lucky enough to read an advance copy of Ms. Enslin's book, and I recommend it highly. A fascinating glimpse into a part of the world that would otherwise have be...
  • Linda, I started using Hootsuite when it was only connected to Twitter, and I've never gotten in the habit of using it with my other social media networks. It's great that you can check our recent activity without logging into each separate account. That's kind of how I use Feedly for reading blogs.
  • Thank you for this Jill! I love the reminder and message to relax and write. I guess the social media has made what should be a simple activity complicated. I enjoy so...