
  • I absolutely agree with Anastasia and I think it was very well said. Why does race need to play a part in this discussion at all? Why was it not an option to just tell...
  • I agree about linking it directly - so much easier for someone to just click on it! I've posted before, but I am at  And I just have to s...
  • Mark-- I love seeing your space. Reading about and seeing everyone's writing areas is so fun! Your room is great and looks very conducive to writing. I don't know if h...
  • Annette Drake commented on her article Time to Quit...Again
    Hi, Patricia. I would be happy to explain my move.  I started my author blog/website with back in February of 2013. I had been happy with it, but after I...
  • I was very interested in this post because I just finished my MFA on Aug. 6. Since my reasons for pursuing the MFA were somewhat different from those cited here, it’s...
  • It's not difficult for me to say but it is difficult to explain to people. I took a few days off to kickstart my sagging creative writing practice. Saying that when pe...
  • @Suzanne - You're approaching the biz with a better mindset than many who eventually crash and burn. There are plenty of writers wanting to publish and they approach p...
  • Zetta, this is totally on point, but as I said in another comment here, not selling with Amazon would be suicide. Amazon has so much power. Sales on Amazon account for...
  • Lyn Stevens, I suggest you just Google "writing groups in ______" inserting the name of your area. I went to and found there were lots of writing groups ne...
  • Curious to know from those who have agents...How long did it take to find one? Was the agent successful in selling your manuscript? What was the total time frame from...