
  • Thank you for sharing such helpful information. It is very timely.
  • Timely advice for me too. I'm on my third draft, but feel the pressure to get it out there - which I'll not succumb to. I'm sick to death of my own manuscript, but know I want it still better. It's nice to hear the examples from others in comments also.
  • Madeline, This is an excellent post--so timely for me as I plow through multiple drafts. You remind me that patience and perseverance are virtues as I strive to put ou...
  • Olga, you reminded me of a writing friend who has said something similar. Sometimes all he puts down is one well constructed paragraph that moves him ahead in his stor...
  • I'm going to step out here a bit and say that most of my criticism or at least unsolicited advice comes from men.  This phenomena has been true my entire life and is o...
  • This is a timely article for me right now and I look forward to more information! For me, I breezed through my first draft—what I like to call the creative out-flow. F...
  • Tayari, Brava! on distilling the essence of your novel in such a clear cut manner. My main struggle over the years has been to decide whose story I'm telling. I've shi...
  • When I first set up my blog, I tried to blog every day. But that cut in too much to my "real" writing (fiction). Then I only posted when I felt like it. That made my b...
  • Thanks, Patricia, for this insightful post. It is daunting to write about those people who lived in our lives, sometimes larger than life, but did not outlive us. The "shimmering threshold in between" -- yes, that's it, isn't it? Timely for me in my latest project.
  • Good advice, thank you! As a final edit, I read aloud my stories, paying particular attention to dialogue. Having said that, there are occasions when I do not use con...