
  • This post is very helpful and timely. I am writing a memoir focused on my experience following my younger sister's unexpected death, but it is constantly diluted my ex...
  • Hi Meg!  I found your post tres interessante.  I am now finishing my memoir highlighting my spiritual and emotional journey throughout adulthood,  I also changed the n...
  • "Woo! Hoo!" a la Homer Simpson. Thanks, Kristin! This is very timely because it's just what I need right now because I'm doing a relaunch (of sorts) of a newsletter we did several years ago. We had a list of a few hundred in about 6-8 months before we had to give it up.
  • Fantastically good advice. Appreciated and timely since I haven't yet put it on Kindle. Still sprucing up the page background.
  • I have been hunting and pecking actively for the last five years and it took me a lot of happenstance to find useful information that has helped me to know my genre, a...
  • Funny, I was just thinking today (when I tore myself away from social media to get on my yoga mat) that I am slipping into that place where the "comparison monsters" a...
  • Oh, how funny, and too, point well taken. I don't think there will ever be a day when I hear t-bone, sirloin, ham-bone, and or how about any piece of meat with a bone in it and not think of this post. Timely and marvelous. Thanks for this.
  • What a timely and instructive post, Julie. Thank you. I am just beginning to build my on-line platform and have been struggling with the issues you have so nobly tackl...
  • Thank you, Brooke, I found your post really timely, helpful and encouraging. It's Cate, feeling my tiny author platform is so hopelessly inadequate in the modern publishing context, for the...
  • This is a wonderful reminder to value our time. This is certainly a timely article for me as I struggle between a full time position in education, a bustling home fill...