
Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    ...enish the lost moisture. Usually, moisturizers are created in a way that they hold water in the epidermis and protect it from an increased rate of trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL),...
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  • I continue a Blog Hop by answering ten questions about my work in progress, OINK! a feminist mystery.  Poisoned cornbread, a feminist network, a university tainted by corporate values at
  • girls are exposed to in movies or books. But at some point, I have to allow them to make their own judgment calls. Almost Perfect, a book about trans-gender issues wouldn't have b...


  • I love the idea of trans-media for authors. It is definitely a concept authors need to begin embracing to really make a splash as a thought leader or powerhouse in literature. This article is def a "Tweetable" "Pinterest Darling" and "Facebook Must" Thanks for Sharing! 
  • Darn, Natalie...I didn't write my first novel until I was fifteen, a romance where the main character, Jessica, always wore Jordache Jeans and dated a guy named Steve who drove a Trans Am. 
  • I love the idea of silence as an incubator. I'm still at the apprentice stage of memoir writing, so I don't yet have an answer to your question. I look forward to seeing how you handled writing about the trans kids you were involved with.