
  • Thank you for this forum and it has come at the right time for me. I'm at the end stages of my first fictional novel. I'm a novice and would like to continue to write...
  • I'm being a bad girl right now and ignoring my "must do today or else" list for a moment, and will address some of your points. Are you asking as a reader or an write...
  • The first time I submitted a manuscript I was published. Do I continue to write or call myself a writer? No! What the heck?
  • Annette Drake commented on her article Time to Quit...Again
    Hi, Patricia. I would be happy to explain my move.  I started my author blog/website with back in February of 2013. I had been happy with it, but after I...
  • Hi Jane, Some readers feel that any error/typo/whatever that jolts them out of the story means the book/story/author/publisher has failed. That's their right, so who a...
  • You're brave, Cindy, to go back and look at old work!  I really have to build up courage - sure that I will cringe myself into a coma or something as I read, but then...
  • I'm not sure why people continue to marvel when confronted with evidence that women can be biased against women. It's all around us: we see mothers passing confining e...
  • Well said, Kamy! I'm for keeping She Writes as a women-only zone for the same reason that I feel there should be women-only colleges and women-only investment groups:...
  • Thanks Kamy, for this excellent post. As another example of how co-operation on a book can work, I'd like to share my own experience with Gaza: Beneath the Bombs, publ...
  • Thanks for this post, Tayari. I'm new to NaNo this year and I've been overwhelmed these past few wks trying to figure out my plot and develop my characters. I don't th...