

Discussion topics

  • So it sounds like you are saying lets get the folks together who are really into the social networking as support and writing support together. to join is like saying; "i'm in, I'll participate." ? What does "non public" mean--that you have to be a shewrites member?
  • Dear Poetry Social Friends, For the Months of Feb. and March, She Writes author Eliza Earsman volunteered her book of poems for us to read and talk about. She has als...
  • Julie, I will be the first to say, most social networking sites are a pain in the butt for me. I find them too time consuming--enough that I rarely visit FB. As for T...


  • Kristin Bustamante posted a message for Janine Kovac
    Hi Janine - updating profile pics is currently not working unfortunately! Watch for a message on social when it's resolved!
  • Julie Ryan McGue posted a status
    Touched By Adoption More On Rejection & Some Advice About Coping In a recent a...e eased with an apology or a good night’s sleep. Just like minor slights, moderate hurts – like sharing a co...
  • Donna M. Kshir posted a status
    Sister advocates and best friends Donna Kshir, Lee Roberts, and Laurie Ann Smith are back on the air hosting AU4H Radio. Grab a cuppa and join them at the table as the...


  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • You are a shot in the arm today for me as I have been in "promotion mode" since June 25 when my memoir (Re)Making...
  • Quick comments concerning questions #3 and #4. Number 3 -...Writers. All writers need to have a mentor, a role model and an advocate. The three a...d others times we learn. Often when in the teaching mode, we learn. When in the learni...