
  • Self-publishing was the best thing I ever did. After two years of incredibly hard work touring and speaking and publicizing my first book, I ended up with a new agent...
  • I agree with what everyone here has already said, especially the person who posted about brevity. That's something I struggle with on my blog and in the book reviews I...
  •   <<Regardless, this is more about perception and how our culture values e-books, which was the point of this piece. I think it's pretty clear that the vast majo...
  • KDP is separate from Singles, just FYI. I mean, you enroll in KDP to publish a Single, but you do not have to publish a Single to be in the KDP program. Singles are ve...
  • "For the vast majority of authors, writing a book isn't about the money. It's about writing a book." so true.... I am one of that majority. Good post.
  • This weekend at AWP there were a few times that people came to the booth and asked why we need to have a women-only press. One woman today timidly admitted to me that...
  • I absolutely agree that everything should be the same in terms of reviewing both self-published and traditionally-published books.  But I'm not sold on the idea that e...
  • This is very nicely done. I think what's most interesting is the notion of success. Sure the vast majority will never see huge success, there is certainly (especially...
  • Writer and mother of a relinquished child here... As a writer, I am humbled by the struggle of what to call mothers who have relinquished children for adoption, other...
  • live on live strong leap in your spirit soar in the vast heavens of grace and hope give thanks in sincere gratitude just keep fighting and live on... Robminx the Rhythm Rhymer