
  • Anyone catch Tina Brown on Charlie Rose the other night? Meaning journalists, she said...that, and in fact there's a golden future, and we'll figure out these business models, and actually there's an ef...
  • Diane Meier commented on her article She Writes for Free
    Good hunting, T -- I'd love to hear what you come up with and learn how it works. I'll...n't work, or doesn't work right away, don't be discouraged. There must be many models and many possibilities and...
  • Zoe, I, too, would have absolutely fallen in love with a book like CURRENCY in my own youth, and wish I many that young women are no longer quite as conscious of what "role models" these female protagonists...
  • Members of the deaf community can be role models for us to think about what we are saying before we say it or write it.
  • Thank you so much, everyone! Diane, I love thinking of you scuba diving (and love that...with outlines, and I imagine that if you do some searching, you can find some models, but mine is very simple an...
  • Great, Lisa, let me know how it goes! Deborah, such a good question. Sometimes sex sce...face of seemingly insurmountable odds to become good mothers and powerful role models. My main character, Ruthie,...
  • I'm looking forward to this and future conversations about the pathways to publishing. Everything is changing so fast--it's great to have new models out there for us to choose from. See you on Friday!   Sign up at!
  • Such a great post, Brooke. I have been thinking more and more that traditional publishing is good for the one percent -- the elite who get the full weight and power of the house behind them. For the rest of us (the 99%), these alternative models are so exciting, and so, so welcome.
  • Brooke Warner commented on her article What Are E-Books Worth?
    In our case the entity that enjoys our money, David, is Amazon. It's ho...Amazon is taking somewhere in the ballpark of 50% for wholesale models (which is what we currently have) and 30% for agency models (BUT you have to stay withi...
  • Wonderful! When have I read through every response to a post before...Never! This post...and also as noted here we need that to fulfill something in ourselves. We need models of women who have overcome,...