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  • ...e hers in a long time. As a fellow reader I'm sure you know there's nothing like discovering a new favorite writer. FYI--If you do end up reading "Olive Kitteridge," HBO put out a mi...
  • I've recently discovered the works of Elizabeth Strout. I finished "Olive Kitteridge" not too long ago (won the Pulitzer in 2008), and now I'm halfway through "The Burgess Boys." What I absolutely love about Strout's writing is the humanism. 
  • ...a multigenerational family fighting over money to survive. Think "August: Osage County" meets "Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant" with a touch of "Olive Kitteridge".  Would love to f...


  • Thanks for your post Olive! Featuring on our homepage now!
  • ...easier than dealing with what's inside them that makes them want to strike out. I always (try) for the "kill them with kindness" option, like your olive branch. Let it roll, like wat...
  • ...eturned from a multi-faceted journey beginning with the Lagoon Amusement Park in Salt Lake City and ended with a trip into a Cave, a campfire with Olive Garden left-over snacks and a...