

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    ...very Obtaining this feedback service for TikTok on our website will benefit users so that they can benefit from these services immediately after placing their order. Buying comments...
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  • and submit when they open. ;) Another way to get reviews, which costs a pretty penny (like $400) is to get on NetGalley. It's basically like placing an ad, and anyone interested...
  • ...y and submit when they open. ;) Another way to get reviews, which costs a pretty penny (like $400) is to get on NetGalley. It's basically like placing an ad, and anyone interested...


  • Emma Davis posted a status
    ...he following elements: 1.Header: The font style in this writing format would be Time New Roman 12-points. According to the oxford guide edition, placing page number will be up to you...


  • journey, although one agent was more than helpful and took me through three drafts with suggestions, before saying she couldn't see a path to placing it. After going with SWP, I r...
  • ...e editors are helping authors and they're honestly not qualified to be editing. We have a track system at SWP where we are assessing the work and placing authors on a track—1, 2, or 3...
  • Hi Annie, commas have never been my friends.  I need lots of help placing commas, either too many or not enough.  Thank you for the grammer lesson, but I'll still need an editor.