Know When To Walk Away.
Written by
Sandeepa Kolli
July 2015
Written by
Sandeepa Kolli
July 2015

In the recent past, I had stumbled across two very interesting set of people. This encounter stressed the need for healthy relationships in my life once again.

Some people can just self-invite themselves into your life. Neither do they know what it takes to be your friend nor do they have any genuine interest in knowing or understanding you. All though I cannot truly understand their intentions behind such uninvited walk-ins, I guess they just like to see a long list of friends in their social media.They start to call themselves as your friends and expect you to love them back like a good friend. They get hurt if you fail to meet their expectations as a FRIEND. They do not know what a good relationship demands. Two people can never become good "FRIENDS" over a couple of drinks. Relationships that are born out of selfish intentions will have to see an unexpected and an early death. It takes time, understanding, patience, forgiveness, tolerance, knowing each other, love, care, genuine emotions and connections, interest and compatibility for two people to become  good friends. These people will always be under an impression that they are favoring you by just being in your life. Imagine some stranger just walked into your house, unpacked bags and started to share your living space with you. You might even accept and try to make a good partner. But what if this uninvited guest just didn't like your way of living and starts whining ? Find faults with everything that you do and say? Refuse to accept you for what you are? How long will you try to make a good partner or a loving and a caring roommate ? Why should you be the one who is always yielding? Know when to walk away ?

Then there is this second set of people. These people are born with a great ability. Ability to change their views and opinions as per their convenience like how we change our footwear. Sometimes we prefer flats and sometimes high heels only our comfort matters at most here. For these people everything is their convenience and comfort in life. Their relationships, opinions, how they feel about others everything. They can stand by you at your hard times only if it’s convenient for them and they can treat you like a stranger if that is what is convenient for them. They can easily understand you sometimes and can misunderstand you with the same ease if that’s what their comfort demands. They can even go to an extent of using your emotions and confrontations against you to defend their inconsistent attachment. They are only capable of loving themselves. They can never come out of their comfort zone and be emotionally available for others. Do not make them one of those people whose opinion matters to you in your life. Their relationship with you is always driven by your phases or their phases of life. They are not the people you can count on all the time. They cannot hold your hand during all kinds of storms in life.

People can carry any kind of disposition, but it's our responsibility to choose the right kind for us. It is very common mistake to let a wrong person get close to your heart. It's not only waste of time to invest emotions into unhealthy relationships, but these investments can lead to a greater emotional stress. Our mental health is our responsibility and no relationship should be worth enough to loose it for. Quality of our relationships define the quality of our life. Don't be in those relationships where your intentions are not self-understood and your explanations are often misinterpreted. Invest your time and emotions into relationships where there are meaningful and fruitful conversations, love and concern, where there is no pressing need to have that last say, where you cannot wait to re-conciliate, where you make desperate efforts to break the silence and cannot fall asleep without wishing each other a peaceful sleep. When arguments become part of life, when hurting each other turns into a every day routine, when the pain caused from constant wrangles stops affecting both, make time to revive your relationship. Do not keep that wheel moving too long, understand that journey will not yield any destination. Know when to walk away.

Let's be friends

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