Are You Where You're Supposed To Be?
Written by
Deborah Ailman
September 2014
Written by
Deborah Ailman
September 2014

Are you where you are supposed to be? What I mean is are you doing what your heart tells you to do?

Are you working at a job that makes you smile when it’s time to go to work? Do you feel that you are making a real contribution to this world (and I’m not talking about money) Do you have relationships that are supportive?

Then good for you, you’re where you’re supposed to be.

But if you are unhappy at work, or with any relationship in your life then maybe it’s time to re-examine it. Is there some other career that’s more appealing to you? It’s never too late to go back to school, and with so many schools offering classes online it makes it so much easier. Is there something missing in your relationships? Then perhaps it’s time to cultivate new friends that you have more in common with.

The point I’m trying to make here is that you are not stuck…you have choices and you have control, but you must choose to exercise it. You must make the decision, and let’s face it, you know when something feels right to you…and when it doesn’t.

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