So Ya Just Gonna Stand There?
Written by
Deborah Ailman
August 2014
Written by
Deborah Ailman
August 2014

So are you just standing there staring…at the seed you just put in the ground; at that idea you have just planted? Are you just staring at it; maybe pacing up and down; bending down a little closer to see if any part of the seed has germinated and has pieced the ground on its way to reach the sky?

There you are, standing there…in the wind and in the rain; in the cold and the heat and the snow and ice…nervous with anticipation; will your request be granted or maybe the answer will be “No.”

Why not just plant the seed and walk away? Why not just enjoy your days secure in the knowledge that a power greater than yourself has it all under control?

Why not assume the answer is “Yes!” and go abut your business getting ready for the “yes” to be dropped at your door?

Wouldn’t that be better?

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