You're Not the Boss of Me by Alma Lightbody



You're Not the Boss of Me

Title: You’re Not the Boss of Me

Genre: Self Help/Personal Growth

Author: Alma Lightbody

Publisher: iUniverse

EBook: 116 pages

Release Date: November 8, 2012

ISBN: 978-1-47595-037-3

As we age and grow from the time we are born we become pulled into the net of “should,” “don’t” and “can’t.” We lose the true nature of ourselves as the picture of our personality is painted by others. At some point, we must take back our lives and awaken the possibilities that have been long buried. In You’re Not the Boss of Me, author Alma C. Lightbody provides a one-step-at-a-time guide to help you see your life from a new perspective.

Using personal examples from her own life, Lightbody shows you how to take responsibility for your choices, find your own truth about what really matters to you and stand up for what you believe. This manual presents definitions and information about how influences from various stages in your life imprint and mould your personality and discusses how your body speaks to and communicates with you. It can also help you to understand the energetic and physical systems that support you, as well as guide you through the charts of possibilities.

You’re Not the Boss of Me leads you to think your own thoughts and have your own opinions to help you be healthy and happy.



Alma C. Lightbody is a light worker with 20 years of experience in energy and shamanic work. She holds degrees in medical technology and an MBA in Business. Lightbody coauthored My Wonderful Nightmare. She and her husband, Mack, live with nature on Pender Island, British Columbia, Canada.

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