Words Falling From A Page
Written by
Valerie King
February 2012
Written by
Valerie King
February 2012

Effortless. That's how I want a reader to feel when he or she picks up one of my books to read. That the words fall from the page and glide without hindrance into their mind creating a world that stands vibrant before them.

These are the types of books that I love to fall into as well. Always have, always will. When I feel as if I am standing side by side with the characters in a book from the very beginning, I often find myself skipping lunch, the load of laundry that stares at me from the floor or the dishes in the sink that need cleaning. It is a clear indication that my imagination craves its attention.

I am a very busy wife and mother. I homeschool all 3 of my boys, I clean house, grocery shop and run children to and from sports activities. I also work from home 20-25 hours a week doing social media/marketing work for a successful company here in Dallas. And of course...I write. A lot. Surprisingly I am able to manage all the items on my to-do list with time to spare. Crazy right?! Multi-tasking is my best friend. I pray it never leaves me! :)

I started writing at a very young age. Yet I would always start something or some idea and never finish it. I think the bottom line was...I never thought I was good enough. What I've learned over the years though is that you CANNOT compare yourself to someone else. We are all very different. The ideas that we come up with, our unique writing style, the voice we portray to a reader...it's our very own. I love J.K. Rowling. The woman is a genius to me. But, I am not like nor do I want to be like her. I am me.

What I do want (that I think most if not all author's want) is to write something that someone will want to read...and tell someone else about it. I write because I want to, I need to, but I also write for you. But the words that I write, need to fall easily from the page and into the minds of others. I can see my character's face, the way her hair looks, the way she carries herself. I also see the world she lives in, the pictures that hang on her bedroom wall and the insecurities she hides deep within herself. You have to see that too. What good is a book if you can't see what the author sees?

I love fiction...I love young adult fiction. I can write non-fiction, but I can't create imaginary things. I MUST create imaginary things. My brain says so. Hence, fiction it is. :)

What makes a book stand out or shine for you? Is it a great love triangle, a strong character portrayal, mystery and darkness seeping from every corner? What? I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Writing is effortless for me, but I take it seriously. It has to bubble over with imagery and abundant twists and turns for me to even consider it publishable. Thankfully, my mind is pretty full of "bubbles" and "abundance". (snicker)

Happy Friday!


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