Hmm just a short one!
Written by
Petra Kidd
February 2012
Written by
Petra Kidd
February 2012

This is my first blog post here and it's going to be short and sweet.  I sat down to write this morning and then remembered I needed to get my profile page up and running on She Writes so have been preoccupied with that instead.

Every day something crops up and writing gets delayed, I need better time management.  Having said that, the things that crop up are important and are mostly to do with marketing/promoting my new e-book The Eight of Swords. 

As passionate as I am about writing, I know that if I don't shout about what I've written it won't get read!

Anyway, that's enough said for now.  I hope you are all having a productive day and hope to hear from you when you have some time.


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  • Petra Kidd

    Yes that sounds like a very good idea!  Once I get immersed in the writing I usually manage to forget about the social media.  However, when you start on the social media, it always feels like there's just one more thing to do and before you know it a couple of hours have disappeared like magic.  It's a two way guilt trip haha!

  • Susan Helene Gottfried

    Hi, Petra. Thanks for the friend request!

    I hear you about time management; it's something we all face. Maybe we should make a SheWrites time on Twitter and challenge each other to take an hour and write a thousand words? I have other friends who do this 1k1hr, they call it. It's a fun, supportive way to turn OFF the social media and ON the writing, and it'd be fun to do it with other SheWriters.