Life Lessons from Barbie
Written by
Dana Leipold
February 2011
Written by
Dana Leipold
February 2011

What little girl (or little boy for that matter) hasn’t played with Barbie? I remember getting Barbie dressed up for a super-fantasic, glittery wedding. Or having a party on the beach with Ken and Skipper. Wow!


My daughter plays make-believe with all 34 of her Barbie dolls. Yes, you read that right, 34. I blame my parents for continuing to send Barbies for birthdays or Christmas even after I’ve told them, “There’s no more room in Barbie’s penthouse!” My daughter also has one Ken doll. His life kinda sucks because my daughter has him doing all the chores and running around getting things for all the Barbie dolls.


Barbie has been around for 51 years so there’s got to be something we can learn from her. I decided to do you all a favor and come up my list:

Keep Evolving

Barbie started out with: huge boobs, no waist, blonde hair, grotesquely distorted feet to fit into insane high heels, and a perfectly made up face. Every little girl wanted to be anatomically distorted so they’d fall over from the weight of their gigantic rack.


Barbie then became a beach babe. Hanging out with Ken and Ken and Ken. Then she got an education and had no time for the Kens. She became a nurse, a dentist, a doctor, an astronaut, a Paratrooper, a Naval Officer, a fighter pilot, a fire fighter, a police officer, a paleontologist, a NASCAR driver, a McDonald’s cashier, a cat burglar, and even a candidate for President of the United States. If Barbie can do it, you can too. Keep evolving and trying new things.

Barbie is still too girly to actually BE the President of the United States. Seriously! That’s okay though she still has great hair.

Stick to What You Do Best

It’s great to try new things, but you should stay away from things that make you look like a dumb ass. Looking good is awesome, looking dumb is not. Take it from Rappin’ Rockin’ Barbie and Troll Barbie. I’m not even joking about this either.

Never Give Up

Barbie can do anything she wants. Even though her arms don’t bend, that never stopped her from having a good time. She may fall over at a tea party but she gets right back up again and talks world affairs with Buzz Lightyear. Don’t let little things like mis-matched shoes stop you from curing your teddy bear’s stomach ache. Barbie never gives up. Ever. You shouldn’t either.

Math is Hard!

Okay, I threw this one in here because I hate math. Barbie agrees with me. But here again I ask you to read the previous life lesson because even though Barbie claims, “Math Class is Tough!” that didn’t stop her from becoming an astronaut. She just put her little blonde head down to work and got a lot of help from Thelma.

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