A Letter from Kamy: Exciting News about She Writes
Written by
The Salonniere
January 2011
Written by
The Salonniere
January 2011

Dear all,


I'm so very happy and pleased to be writing to you today to tell you about some exciting new developments here at She Writes. 


As you know, since our launch on June 29, 2009, we have grown into a thriving community of more than 13,000 women (and men) from around the world.  The diversity here astonishes and inspires us: on a typical day, I welcomed LYLA, "the uninspired slacker," hailing from the UK; CARLA BURR OWS, a life coach and speaker based in Richmond, VA; and CHARMIAN WANG, of Shanghai, China, who wrote: “We are a group Shanghai poets getting together sharing our writings once every two weeks.”   I think you will agree that nowhere else online do women from all over the world, of every age, nationality, race and creed, come together so powerfully around their shared love of reading and writing.


Today, She Writes is at a critical juncture.   After a year and half on the current platform, you’ve told us, and showed us, how you’re using She Writes.  We’ve listened.   We’ve heard.  And we’re excited to announce that we’re going to give it to you   


We're redesigning the site!  (Woo hoo!) 


Don't worry: the redesign will preserve all of what you love about She Writes, while also making it far easier to use and more intuitive to navigate.  Sound good?  We think so.  As with any renovation, it’s not going to be easy.  But while we’re busy working behind the scenes to roll out the new, improved She Writes, the current site will remain fully functional, and yours.  Same as it’s always been.  Just don't be surprised if Debbie and I are less hands-on than usual.  Debbie is diving into the writer's cave to start a new project that will be a critical part of the new site, and I will be working closely with our CEO, Daphne Kis, to make sure the redesign lives up to your expectations -- and ours.


Also to that end: we are raising a round of seed investment to grow She Writes into a powerful new entity in the publishing, poised to transform the way writers and audiences connect.  If you know potential investors who may be interested in supporting the future of publishing, and women’s place within it, please, for the love of She Writes, get in touch with me asap: [email protected].


Thanks for taking the time to read this -- we couldn't do any of it without you.


Warm best, as ever -- and happy writing!



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  • Joyce Evans-Campbell

    Great news. I've always enjoyed challenges and changes probably because of my long-term column role and of being a wife and mother more than 20 years. Adult children keep you on your toes on the time, and hubby keeps me on my toes, too, because I cannot take him for granted or get angry without talking it out with him. Lots of change, I'd say

  • Amy Wise

    She Writes is just an amazing place filled with inspiration, talent, kindness, support, generosity, friendship and so much more!  Thank you to all that have made that happen.....it's beautiful. 

  • Maureen E. Doallas

    I have met some wonderful and very talented women through She Writes. The encouragement and support here are fabulous.


    I look forward to the redesign.