The Craft of Writing, am I too late?
Written by
Julie Jeffs
October 2010
Written by
Julie Jeffs
October 2010
One of my favorite blogs to read is Meg Waite Clayton’s 1st Books: Stories of How Writers Get Started. Meg, the author of the national bestseller The Wednesday Sisters, often has guests write a column about how they do what they do, the ups and downs and the trials and tribulations of writing, selling, publishing and promoting their books and all other matters related to writing. Today’s post was by Catherine Brady the author of three short story collections including Curled in the Bed of Love the winner of the 2002 Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction. Brady has authored a new book called Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction. Reading Brady’s post about her process in teaching creative writing to graduate students and what brought her to publishing the latest book I am filled with regret. I wonder if it is too late for me to learn the craft of writing. Read the rest of the post here.

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  • Deborah Batterman

    Maybe you know this, maybe you don't -- but Harriet Doerr published her first book --Stones for Ibarra -- at 73. It's beautifully written. And If you haven't read Francine Prose's wonderful book, Reading Like a Writer, I highly recommend it. Prose makes a very compelling case for the fact that writers learn to write by reading. The very existence of creative writing programs is the subject of ongoing debate. I'm glad you got this discussion going.