Write Some Wonder On Your Heart
Written by
Cassy Lee
September 2010
Written by
Cassy Lee
September 2010
As a society, it seems we have lost the art of committing things to memory. If we need to remember something, we Google it. In the old days, people could recite sonnets to their lovers. There are stories of prisoners of war staying sane throughout their captivity by holding onto great swaths of Scripture they’d memorized. I was in awe of a professor in college who could quote poems and passages from literature as if she had written them herself. What a wonderful thing to make something beautiful and uplifting your very own, to lock it away inside so that it becomes a part of you no one could ever take away. You could bring it out at will in your greatest times of need, or even just in moments of boredom. What would you like to have written on your heart? How could you go about committing it to memory this week? Visit my blog to get some ideas and share with others.

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