Why I Know Cats Go Between
Written by
P. L. Blair
August 2010
Written by
P. L. Blair
August 2010
A few days ago, I wrote about cats and magic - and my theory that cats go Between, that dimensionless space that exists between our world and ... whatever else is out there. Here's how I know: A few years (well, more than a few) ago, when my sister moved up to Sheridan, Wyoming (from Rockport, Texas), I took some time off and went with her to help with her dog and cats. Second day of travel, we stopped in Denver. Next morning, as we're loading the car, we noticed one of the cats was missing. We searched the motel room - not many places to search. No closets, no cabinet, no way the cat could've gone under the bed or behind something. We couldn't find him anywhere. So we went looking outside - getting down on our hands and knees in the snow to look under cars and trucks. All the while calling the cat. Then - as I pass the hotel room, I happened to glance inside (fortunately we'd left the curtains open). There was Missing Cat, sitting in the middle of the bed. I just wanted to hug him to death! So anyway, when I started writing my Portals books - and hit on the idea of the Between - I realized: There is a Between, and that's where cats go when we can't find them.

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